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Route length 4 days

From the Lucanian Apennines to the Pollino and Maratea.

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The experience

The experience

This journey between the Lucanian Apennines and the Pollino National Park offers an immersive discovery experience amidst the pristine nature and rich history of this area of Basilicata. Crossing the Lucanian Apennines, you can explore ancient Roman sites like Grumentum, admire picturesque medieval villages like Tramutola, and immerse yourself in the culinary traditions of Moliterno. The route then winds towards the majestic Pollino National Park, an extraordinary nature reserve that encompasses mountains, forests, and rivers. Here, visitors can venture along scenic trails, enjoy spectacular mountain views, and get close to the park’s unique wildlife. Don’t miss the Museum of Pastoralism in Castelsaraceno and the Museum of Arbëresh Culture in San Paolo Albanese. The itinerary continues with the discovery of Terranova, Viggianello, and Rotonda, immersing in the authentic atmosphere of these places and embracing a variety of experiences that blend natural beauty with Basilicata’s millennia-old history. The grand finale is in Maratea, the Goddess of the Sea.

From these areas of the Province of Potenza, there was a significant migratory flow to South America. From the archives, the number of passports granted for Uruguay and Paraguay between 1865 and 1916 has been documented. A detailed picture of the emigrants from individual countries has emerged, including their age and occupation. The regions most involved in the migratory flow were those of Lagonegro, Val D’Agri, Valle del Melandro, and the surroundings of Potenza up to Avigliano. Between 1865 and 1916, 1726 individuals emigrated to Uruguay and Paraguay, despite the political and economic vicissitudes of these two countries not allowing people to settle permanently.





Coming from Campania, you reach the Val d’Agri and stop in Tramutola, rich in churches, chapels, and historical buildings but also in water (don’t miss the washhouse). If you decide to visit in October, you will participate in the Chestnut Munnaredda Festival.

Grumentum and Moliterno

The journey continues towards Lake Pertusillo to visit the excavations of ancient Grumentum, an important Roman city connected to Venosa by the Via Herculia. The museum there is very interesting. Passing through Sarconi, famous for its DOP bean, where you can admire the Cavour aqueduct (late 19th century), you head to Moliterno, a town where you can visit one of the aging facilities for Canestrato cheese, produced with sheep and goat milk. Take the opportunity for a tasting. In Moliterno, there is a unique museum spread across 7 different houses. It’s the MAM, Musei Aiello Moliterno, a museum system exhibiting contemporary art, ceramics, and paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries in Basilicata.

Accommodation at an Agriturismo with dinner.


Starting from Moliterno, continue towards Senise, skirt around Mount Raparo, and reach Castelsaraceno, an ancient center that for centuries has lived almost exclusively on sheep farming. Not to be missed is the Museum dedicated to Sheep Farming, an activity now practiced by only a few shepherds. Castelsaraceno is the perfect place for an active holiday. By visiting the information point, you can purchase a ticket to cross the longest suspended bridge in Italy. Da non perdere.

San Paolo Albanese

Proseguendo verso sud si entra nel cuore del Parco del Pollino, si risale la val Sarmento e si raggiunge uno dei borghi più piccoli della Basilicata. Proseguendo verso sud si entra nel cuore del Parco del Pollino, si risale la val Sarmento e si raggiunge uno dei borghi più piccoli della Basilicata. Visitando il Museo potrete scoprire la cultura di queste comunità, presenti anche in altri centri della regione.

Transfer to Terranova di Pollino for dinner and overnight stay.

Terranova di Pollino

After an excursion to Lake Duglia, you return to the village for a cooking class at one of the region’s most famous restaurants. It will be a true lesson in the history of Lucanian gastronomy.


In the afternoon, you continue along mountain roads through the woods, first to Viggianello and then to Rotonda. At the paleontological museum, you will discover the reconstructed remains of a specimen of Elephas antiquus italicus from the Upper Middle Pleistocene. In Carlo’s shop, you can taste excellent local wines and, above all, the red eggplant, a DOP product shaped like a tomato. Delicious.


Leaving Rotonda, you’ll reach Lake Sirino, a small oasis at the foot of the mountain of the same name. Heading towards Rivello, a perched town rich in artworks and surrounded by greenery. From there, you’ll head south and ascend to Trecchina, with a center surrounded by Liberty-style buildings. The descent towards Maratea begins. Now, your gaze can sweep over the Gulf of Policastro. Overnight stay in the village, just a few kilometers from the splendid beaches in places like Acquafredda, Cersuta, Fiumicello, the Spiaggia Nera, le Secche, and Castrocucco. Your journey will end on Mount San Biagio, atop which the statue of the Redeemer dominates. The view will take your breath away and make you fall in love definitively with this land.

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